Fingerprint Friday – The Morning After

Fingerprint Friday was started by Beki, at The Rusted Chain. It was inspired by the song by Steven Curtis Chapman that contains the line…”when I look at you, I can see the fingerprints of God.” To participate and/or visit all of the blogs that do, go to the Fingerprint Friday Post on Beki’s blog and follow the instructions. 

We had a storm yesterday. When I got home yesterday afternoon, I noticed a really black, wicked looking cloud heading for our house. After letting the dogs out to quickly do their business, I checked the interactive weather map and it looked like a giant U shape of red with our house in the middle and it was moving right for us. Then the weather alert radio starting screeching about 60 mph winds and quarter sized hail and listed our area in the path of it. 

It looked so big and sounded ominous enough that I took my portable drive (all my photos and financial info), a flashlight, my laptop, purse,phones and my dogs and headed to the basement. While standing in the basement with the sound of rain slamming against the windows and the wind howling around the house, and with power going on and off, I began to pray.  I always pray as soon as I know that a storm is coming but I had been in such a rush to get to the basement, I had not yet prayed.  As soon as I prayed, I felt the peace come over me and I knew that I would be fine. The storm didn’t last long and when it was over, we had suffered only slight damage…some tin came loose on the big shed, some big limbs that snapped off trees and one of our neighbor’s big pines, lying across the road in front of our house. When all was clear I ventured out to check out the damage and I could hear chain saws buzzing all up and down the road.  It turns out that the storm change direction and we ended up only getting the edge of the storm. 
I was very thankful that we had no major damage and felt very blessed.
Early this morning while the dew was still on the grass and shrubs, the sun was shining brightly and everything looked so clean and refreshed from yesterday’s storm. I was seeing God’s fingerprint everywhere I looked, so I had to grab my camera. Here is where I found God’s fingerprints this morning…as usual, I was not able to choose only one:

12 thoughts on “Fingerprint Friday – The Morning After

  1. What beautiful pictures and so nice after a storm..I won't kid you..I would have been in the basement so fast..not a person that enjoys storms. It is true..once you start praying it all seems calm.
    The girls always laugh at me..during a thunder/lightening storm, would never show them I was a wreck..was telling the youngest daughter to look out the window and see how beautiful lightening my mom would say..”God is Blessing the earth”..As we were watching wouldn't you know it,the lightening hit the new church steeple in town..Was not a good time after that..we all laugh about it now.


  2. Really gorgeous photos, I am sorry that it had to be such a bad storm to inspire them but they are just lovely!
    Love Di♥
    P.S. Glad you are alright and not much damage!


  3. Absolutely Spectacular, dear Vicki!!! Wow! Where to begin on this one? I love your thoughts…your response to the storm and your immediate turn to God in prayer…you make me smile…And your photos are exquisite…I especially love the water droplets on the grapes…and of course, the hydrangea…one of my favorite flowers! Sigh…such a feast for the eye here today…truly the fingerprints of the greatest artist of all! And I'm sooo glad He took care of my precious friend!!! Yes, so very much to be thankful for this Friday! Have a beautiful weekend, dearest Vicki! You've made mine extra beautiful with your friendship!!! And with this lovely post! I love you, Janine XO


  4. Have I already told you how much I love your new blog look? Love the freshness of the color combination!!! But of course, you would design this so beautifully! Artistry drips from your every finger…leaving beautiful prints everywhere!!! Love you so much!!! Janine XO


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