Whatever! Wednesday

Running way behind schedule today  this week…so much to do not enough time to do it all. It is time to take stock of things and see exactly where my time is being spent. I know I spend way too much time on this computer and if it were productive work, that would be okay. Unfortunately, much of it is spent catching up on other blogs, drooling over gorgeous works of art of other artists instead of trying to peddle my own wares. So, today, I am playing catch-up and will be furiously photographing items for my vintage shop and deciding once and for all what I am going to do about setting up new art and photography sites on Etsy, using the Artfire pro account that I have had forever and have never used which is costing me $7.00 a month but which I don’t want to cancel because the cost is currently around $15. for a pro account and I am locked in at $7 for life or trying another venue all together, like Red Balloon for my art, or Kibbet or I don’t know! (I know that is the longest run on sentence in the history of the internet but I don’t have time to go back and fix it…so, please bear with me.) Arrgh! Some days I just want to take my head off, shake it a bit, let the good stuff settle down in there and throw out the rest. Does that make even the tiniest bit of sense.  I didn’t think so.  LOL!

So, I will be offline today except for loading items to my vintage shop. Drop by there tomorrow to see what’s new.

BTW, the premier of Talented Thursday where I showcase an artist, crafter, writer…whatever, is being put off another week because of my hopelessly behind schedule. I will try to manage a Fingerprint Fridaybut it will likely be a photograph with little commentary.  I still have to rewrite the Bird Wars Saga of NW Georgia…they are continuing by the way…we now have an owl vying for its territory too. It’s a real zoo aviary around here.  I do love it so…the hoo,hoo, hoo’s, caw, caw, caws, keryer, keryer, keyers and the mockingbird singing and imitating all the others, throw in a wren, brown thrasher, some cardinals, finches, eastern blue birds and well, it is a cacophony but somehow in its disharmony, it manages to become harmonious and lovely at the same time. (Another run on sentence for your reading pleasure.)

Okay, I  really have to go because I need to get a sale ready for shipping…oh, that’s what I wanted to tell you. I sold one of my little ACEOs. This one.  I also have to go to the bank to deposit the $$$’s that I got for going to the jewelry exchange and selling my broken gold chains, old rings with lost stones, single earrings, etc. That was a lucrative cleaning out of my jewelry box. I was very proud of myself for not spending it all on the beautiful estate jewelry, which the young sales lady was using to tempt me, the entire time that  I was waiting for them to give me the verdict on my stash.

So, I’m out of here and hope that you have a great Wednesday!  Tonight, after my very productive day, I will pop over to your blogs and see what’s happening there.  If you do happen to read this, please leave a comment, just to let me know you came by…Ciao!

3 thoughts on “Whatever! Wednesday

  1. Ummmmm…I am in awe over your artistic ability. The painting print you sold is really amazing, Vicki…..

    Someday I will have to ask you about having prints made of artwork-but for now I am waiting impatiently for the hawk and owl story. You are so lucky!
    I know what you mean about being on the computer too much….geesh-it's a magnet!
    Love, Debra


  2. I love the pictures Vicki, they are breathtaking! I have a mocking bird that sits on the light pole every evening. He brings me such joy with all of his amazing calls.
    It sounds like you need a break!
    Love Di ♥


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